15 the benefits of cinnamon and honey for health and beauty - Indonesia is a state rich spices. The existence of spices this not only useful for flavor cuisine only. Because nutrient content in the cinnamon was also useful to support our health, including lose weight to improve the fertility.
One type of spices often used in both the cuisine or health practice is cinnamon. Yes, spices shaped dry Wood with aroma this sweet it is widely used in Indonesian dishes from goulash to ice fruit.
In addition, cinnamon also useful to improve the health of the body. Here are a variety of the benefits of cinnamon.
1. The benefits of cinnamon to diet.
The benefits of cinnamon the first one is to lose weight. The study of the University of Michigan life Sciences Institute found that the cinnamon containing a substance called cinnamaldehyde. This substance is useful to help fat burning that accumulate in the body.
To get cinnamon to lose weight, boil cinnamon and then drinking water stew with mixed honey.
2. The benefits of cinnamon to face.
The benefits of cinnamon other is useful to support the beauty of the skin, especially beauty face. Why cinnamon have the nature of antibiotics and anti-microbial will protect the leather of irritation, rash, allergic reaction, and infection. Benefits of cinnamon to this face you can get by applying a essential oils if your skin experience inflammation, pain, or Red. In addition, mix powder cinnamon with honey is also useful to prevent acne or skin disorders other.
3. The benefits of cinnamon for fertility.
The benefits of cinnamon other health is to support the fertility.
Yes, no secret that fertility holds an important role especially for those who crave baby. A study as quoted from natural fertility info, consumption cinnamon will reduce the risk of women's disease PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome. This disease make ovarian function disturbed causing the imbalance hormonal. Cinnamon useful in against the disease is because of the content of the enzyme phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase in it.
The benefits of cinnamon other fertility is useful to facilitate the cycle of menstruation for those who schedule come monthly chaotic.
4. High antioxidants.
Cinnamon constitute Spice high content of antioxidants in it. This substance have a variety of benefits such as reducing free radical damage in the body, slow the aging process, and prevent oxidative stress, including the ability to limit the formation of nitric oxide in peroxidation and blood lipids (fat) that can cause brain disorders, cancer, up to disease other dangerous.
Several types of antioxidants that many found in the cinnamon is polyphenols, sour phenolic, and flavonoids.
5. Prevent inflammation in the body.
The content of antioxidants in the cinnamon have the nature of anti-inflammatory so useful to fight the various levels of inflammation throughout the body.
6. Support the heart health.
Studies have shown that the consumption of cinnamon also useful to protect the heart health, including prevent a wide range of heart problems such as high cholesterol, triglyceride levels of high, and high blood pressure. Why, again because of the content of antioxidants that helps prevent blood clotting.
7. Against diabetes.
Cinnamon have the nature of other healthy the anti diabetes. So the benefits of cinnamon next is to prevent diabetes.
Natural substances in cinnamon would block enzyme certain called alanine that will make glucose absorbed into the blood. Too much the process of this is what then increase the risk of diabetes.
8. Prevent cancer.
Other studies have shown that the benefits of cinnamon is to prevent cancer. Why cinnamon contains antioxidants that can protect against DNA damage, mutation cells, and tumor growth.
Later, cinnamon containing compounds cinnamaldehyde which has the ability to inhibit the growth of the tumor cancer and protect the DNA of free radical damage that so the forerunner of cancer.
9. Prevent cognitive impairment and support the brain health.
Again because of the content of antioxidants benefit cinnamon to prevent the cognitive decline and protect the brain health.
"The content of antioxidants in the cinnamon will enable the protein neuroprotection to protect the brain cells of mutations and damage oxidative stress. So disease with neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's can be prevented," the light of the research as quoted from draxe.
Have no doubt that the cinnamon constitute Spice Super healthy. Well, if you want to get the benefits of healthy maximum drink warm water containing a mixture of powder cinnamon and honey.
Here is the benefits of cinnamon and honey for your health:
10. Ease the menstrual cramps.
According to the National Center for biotechnology, women tormented by the menstrual cramps can relieve the cramps they suffer with drinking water cinnamon. Why, cinnamon is analgesic and anti coagulation that helps reduce pain.
11. Improve immunity.
Water cinnamon rich in antioxidants like polyphenols and proanthocyanidins to improve the immune system. In addition water cinnamon also have the nature of anti-fungal, antibacterial, and antivirus reduce the risk of various diseases such as heart problems or respiratory diseases.
12. Relieve pain teeth.
Pain due toothache is very torture. You can treat with drinking water stew cinnamon to reduce pain and swelling of the gums.
13. Improve the hearing.
Seniors can keep health hearing them diligently drinking water stew cinnamon. Because cinnamon so high natural substances to sharpen the hearing.
14. Treat urinary tract infection.
Cinnamon anti bacteria that means you can use to treat diseases urinary tract infection (ISK) naturally. The trick is to mix 2 tablespoons powder cinnamon and honey in a glass of water warm and then taken a regular basis.
15. Treat flu.
Flu and colds is mild disease that can be treated with warm water that have been mixed with powder cinnamon and honey. Drink this natural eradicate the virus cause of flu and shed mucus-mucus in the gastrointestinal tract.
Every 1 teaspoon cinnamon containing 19 calories, 4 grams of fiber, calcium, iron, vitamin K, and manganese. All these nutrients is very efficacious for the health of your body.