
Friday, June 29, 2018

15 The benefits of cinnamon and honey for health and beauty

15 the benefits of cinnamon and honey for health and beauty - Indonesia is a state rich spices. The existence of spices this not only useful for flavor cuisine only. Because nutrient content in the cinnamon was also useful to support our health, including lose weight to improve the fertility.

One type of spices often used in both the cuisine or health practice is cinnamon. Yes, spices shaped dry Wood with aroma this sweet it is widely used in Indonesian dishes from goulash to ice fruit.

In addition, cinnamon also useful to improve the health of the body. Here are a variety of the benefits of cinnamon.

1. The benefits of cinnamon to diet.

The benefits of cinnamon the first one is to lose weight. The study of the University of Michigan life Sciences Institute found that the cinnamon containing a substance called cinnamaldehyde. This substance is useful to help fat burning that accumulate in the body.

To get cinnamon to lose weight, boil cinnamon and then drinking water stew with mixed honey.

2. The benefits of cinnamon to face.

The benefits of cinnamon other is useful to support the beauty of the skin, especially beauty face. Why cinnamon have the nature of antibiotics and anti-microbial will protect the leather of irritation, rash, allergic reaction, and infection. Benefits of cinnamon to this face you can get by applying a essential oils if your skin experience inflammation, pain, or Red. In addition, mix powder cinnamon with honey is also useful to prevent acne or skin disorders other.

3. The benefits of cinnamon for fertility.

The benefits of cinnamon other health is to support the fertility.

Yes, no secret that fertility holds an important role especially for those who crave baby. A study as quoted from natural fertility info, consumption cinnamon will reduce the risk of women's disease PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome. This disease make ovarian function disturbed causing the imbalance hormonal. Cinnamon useful in against the disease is because of the content of the enzyme phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase in it.

The benefits of cinnamon other fertility is useful to facilitate the cycle of menstruation for those who schedule come monthly chaotic.

4. High antioxidants.

Cinnamon constitute Spice high content of antioxidants in it. This substance have a variety of benefits such as reducing free radical damage in the body, slow the aging process, and prevent oxidative stress, including the ability to limit the formation of nitric oxide in peroxidation and blood lipids (fat) that can cause brain disorders, cancer, up to disease other dangerous.

Several types of antioxidants that many found in the cinnamon is polyphenols, sour phenolic, and flavonoids.

5. Prevent inflammation in the body.

The content of antioxidants in the cinnamon have the nature of anti-inflammatory so useful to fight the various levels of inflammation throughout the body.

6. Support the heart health.

Studies have shown that the consumption of cinnamon also useful to protect the heart health, including prevent a wide range of heart problems such as high cholesterol, triglyceride levels of high, and high blood pressure. Why, again because of the content of antioxidants that helps prevent blood clotting.

7. Against diabetes.

Cinnamon have the nature of other healthy the anti diabetes. So the benefits of cinnamon next is to prevent diabetes. 

Natural substances in cinnamon would block enzyme certain called alanine that will make glucose absorbed into the blood. Too much the process of this is what then increase the risk of diabetes.

8. Prevent cancer.

Other studies have shown that the benefits of cinnamon is to prevent cancer. Why cinnamon contains antioxidants that can protect against DNA damage, mutation cells, and tumor growth.

Later, cinnamon containing compounds cinnamaldehyde which has the ability to inhibit the growth of the tumor cancer and protect the DNA of free radical damage that so the forerunner of cancer.

9. Prevent cognitive impairment and support the brain health.

Again because of the content of antioxidants benefit cinnamon to prevent the cognitive decline and protect the brain health.

"The content of antioxidants in the cinnamon will enable the protein neuroprotection to protect the brain cells of mutations and damage oxidative stress. So disease with neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's can be prevented," the light of the research as quoted from draxe.

Have no doubt that the cinnamon constitute Spice Super healthy. Well, if you want to get the benefits of healthy maximum drink warm water containing a mixture of powder cinnamon and honey.

Here is the benefits of cinnamon and honey for your health:

10. Ease the menstrual cramps.

According to the National Center for biotechnology, women tormented by the menstrual cramps can relieve the cramps they suffer with drinking water cinnamon. Why, cinnamon is analgesic and anti coagulation that helps reduce pain.

11. Improve immunity.

Water cinnamon rich in antioxidants like polyphenols and proanthocyanidins to improve the immune system. In addition water cinnamon also have the nature of anti-fungal, antibacterial, and antivirus reduce the risk of various diseases such as heart problems or respiratory diseases.

12. Relieve pain teeth.

Pain due toothache is very torture. You can treat with drinking water stew cinnamon to reduce pain and swelling of the gums.

13. Improve the hearing.

Seniors can keep health hearing them diligently drinking water stew cinnamon. Because cinnamon so high natural substances to sharpen the hearing.

14. Treat urinary tract infection.

Cinnamon anti bacteria that means you can use to treat diseases urinary tract infection (ISK) naturally. The trick is to mix 2 tablespoons powder cinnamon and honey in a glass of water warm and then taken a regular basis.

15. Treat flu.

Flu and colds is mild disease that can be treated with warm water that have been mixed with powder cinnamon and honey. Drink this natural eradicate the virus cause of flu and shed mucus-mucus in the gastrointestinal tract.

Every 1 teaspoon cinnamon containing 19 calories, 4 grams of fiber, calcium, iron, vitamin K, and manganese. All these nutrients is very efficacious for the health of your body. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Prevent kidney stones with drinking water lemon every day

Prevent kidney stones with drinking water lemon every day - The use of lemon to improve the health, known since decades ago. Lemon believed to be able to be a source of the antibacterial and keep the durability of one's body.

For it, not slight choose lemon as intake routine in take care of the body's health. Well, here are some health benefits consume lemon water warm in the morning before eating food other quoted from page cookist.

1. Lemon clean the gastrointestinal tract 

Juice lemon able to issue a toxins from the body and it helps liver produce bile, namely substances body needs. Lemon also full will content as good as Minerals and vitamins, which is able to relieve symptoms digestive disorders such as bloating.

2. Is a diuretic 

Lemon able to improve the urine production, which means that is able to get rid of toxins in the body with quick time. Acid citrus lemon also able to maximize the function of the enzyme, so be a source detoxification liver.

3. Prevent bad breath

Some States that the lemon water can help prevent bad breath in the morning. Acid content citrus in lemon able to fight causing bacteria halitosis. However, you must be careful because acid citrus can make tooth enamel eroded.

4. Trim fat

Researchers claim that the content in the lemon able to cut the fat in the body. Pectin and polyphenols is a two content Associated with weight loss and appetite suppressant. But, this study is still require observation further.

5. Prevent kidney stones

Kidney stones containing the formation of mineral solid collected in the kidney. Type of mineral most often seen the calcium oxalate and was able to preventable Citrate. With water consumption lemon, able to make the levels of citric in urine increased so that prevent kidney stones formed. However have to keep in mind, water consumption lemon this is only for someone who has kidney healthy.

This 5 cooking oil is best for patients cholesterol

This 5 cooking oil is best for patients cholesterol - When cholesterol exceed the verge of normal, one should already be alert and keep the diet. The one that is very important to note by patients with high cholesterol is the selection of cooking oil.

Understandably only, doctor will usually prohibit patients cholesterol to consume fried foods-fried. However, when that desire unbearable, following the solution.

Of you who have a high cholesterol is recommended to choose cooking oil healthy and not trigger high cholesterol.

A. select oils to Fry.

Oil used to Fry can be sourced from fruit, nuts, grains, or is the animal products. Each of course has a deficiency and advantages own. 

All oil is a combination of a variety of fatty acids, but have calories per dose-food roughly similar, which is about 102-104 calories. Important for you to pay attention to the content of the number of healthy fats or unsaturated fats in oil. As this may affect the cholesterol levels when oil consumption via foods.

Remember! All types of oil sourced from animal products containing more saturated fat and cholesterol. Not only oil animal, several types of oil vegetables tropical like Palm oil also contains saturated fat, as written Dr. Astrid wulan kusumoastuti site click doctor. In fact, diet low cholesterol means a high oil will unsaturated fatty which is a healthy fats.

Oil to Cook that you should avoid because unhealthy to high cholesterol, among others:

Butter and cream cheese animal fats coconut oil and oil Palm oil fried friendly cholesterol.

In choose cooking oil healthy, select oils of high content of Omega-3 and unsaturated fatty single, to reduce the bad cholesterol levels (LDL) and Improve the Good Cholesterol (IGC). In addition to good for cholesterol, Omega-3 and unsaturated fatty single also contains antioxidants that can help diffuse inflammatory and prevent the formation of plaque in blood vessels.

Note also that each type of edible oil has a smoke point different. Smoke point is the point of the lowest temperature of the oil heated up to the first time produce smoke.

At the time of smoke this point is reached, then fat in cooking oil will be decomposed into glycerol and free fatty acids, so that affect the sense and of course, the quality of oil and cooked food.

Select oils with smoke point higher to Fry, so you can Cook at a temperature of the appropriate and the food can be cooked faster and absorb less oil in the process.

B. cooking oil healthy. 

Ago, what are the types of oil healthy that you can choose to Fry?

1. Canola oil.

Canola oil have a sense of neutral and smoke point high enough so that is suitable for sauteing and baking. Although canola oil contains less antioxidant compared with olive oil, oil acid containing Alpha-linoleic, a kind of Omega-3 also have a lot of the benefits, especially for heart health.

2. Oil avocados.

Although rarely sound, oil avocado is oil healthy as rich monounsaturated fat. Oil avocado also rich variety of nutrition, such as healthy fats, potassium, vitamin Hey, and powerful antioxidant like lutein and zeaxanthin. Oil avocado also have a smoke point belonging to the high, suitable for sauteing and Fry.

3. Oil almon.

Oil almon is one of the oil with smoke point very high, so the right to Fry. Oil almon also suitable to process the dessert, such as a substitute whipped cream, but more healthy.

4. Grape seed oil. 

Grape seed oil, or often also referred to as oil wine, have a sense of nuts light so that it can also be a taste additional cuisine you. Oil it also has smoke point high enough, so suitable for baking, or as a dressing salad material and mayonnaise.

5. Oil walnuts.

Nuts walnuts known as one of beans healthy and rich Omega-3. With smoke point that is not too high, oil walnuts can be used to bake or sauteing with low heat, or as adding a sense of the salad and other dishes.

In cooking, make sure you always use the best materials, fresh, and healthy to ensure the personal health and family. For the affairs of Fry, select oils fried healthy so as not cause high cholesterol as five types of oil mentioned above.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Was this a major cause of women have a small breasts

Was this a major cause of women have a small breasts - Big breasts is probably one of the desire for most of women in the world. How do not, the biggest attraction after the face of the highest is the breast. Men of course want it. Unfortunately, not all women have a big breasts and tempting. Some of which it has a small breasts. 

If you wonder what the cause of women have a small breasts? Well, here we will reveal the reason is clearly.

There are several factors that cause women have a small breasts. The following his review quoted from boldsky (25/6).

1. Genetics

Genetic or descendants could be the main reason for a woman has a small breasts. This can be caused by hipoplasia mammary, the lack of IGT adequate or network mamary grandular failed developing when she went teens. Which it leads to the growth of the breast.

Regardless of this, some women may suffer syndrome Turner, that is anomalies chromosome certain that makes one of chromosome X lost or change. Direct consequence of it is the lack of the development of the whole of women, and inhibition of growth breast is one of the effect.

Also, all kinds of abnormalities in fat distribution in the body can be a reason genetic to breast undeveloped full.

2. Imbalance hormone

Less or excess two sex hormones in a woman's body, the estrogen and progesterone can lead to a variety of side effects, including breast smaller.

Some symptoms hormonal imbalance in one woman can including the advent pimples, hair growth unexpected and excessive on the face or other body parts, hair loss, fatigue, less focus, and so forth.

3. Deficiency essential nutrients

Nutritional deficiencies like vitamin and mineral can be a potential causes breast undeveloped on a woman. Poor eating habits can also cause nutritional deficiencies are needed in the body.

For it, we recommend that when moving teen a woman not to have malnutrition and try to all the food can get into the body. So there are some of phrase 'in its infancy' is true. Growth here is not only lead to the height, but also all aspects of the person's body.

4. Depression or emotional problems

For some women, emotional stress or experience bothersome during adolescence they can inhibit the growth of the breast.

Believe it or not, this is one of the trigger less the development of the breast. So, do you including women who have a small breasts? Try to remember again do you have one of the four factors was during the time teen? Write in column a comment.

Monday, June 25, 2018

5 The habit of clean but the real bad for health

5 the habit of clean but the real bad for health - Keep the body is supposed to be done by everyone. Because the cleanliness of the road to healthy.

But there habits clean it turns out a negative impact for health. The following rangkumannya quoted from different sources. 

1. Directly toothbrush after meals.

Many people directly brushing after eating. Whereas the habit is not recommended because have adverse effects for health. After the food entry into the mouth and crushed by saliva, the food will result in acid, one of them citric acid.

Acid still stuck to the teeth it will be absorbed into the enamel when rubbing teeth right after eating, and then mengikisnya from within. Email eroded because acid will make dentin become increasingly weak. As a result, teeth will be more sensitive, thinning, and easy to feel pain.

2. Clean the ear wear cotton Bud. 

Ear cleaning using cotton Bud has become habits everyone. Whereas the habit of this very wrong due to the actual when cleaning it directly we also encourage and compacting the rest of dirt ear the go far into.

The more often use of cotton Bud, the more the dirt encouraged and finally hardened clog ear Canal. This condition called impaksi serumen, which can be culminate in hearing loss. Impaksi serumen sometimes can also cause pain and depressed in ear, until the sensation buzzing.

3. Use cleaning vagina.

For women regular cleaning Pussy with soap betel or soap femininity other should start now no longer need. Because when wearing soap femininity, chemicals contained in it will interfere with the balance of pH Pussy with deadly colony good bacteria in it. 

It is then increase the risk of infection bacteria and fungal infection vagina.

4. Bath or soak hot water too long.

Too long bath or soak warm water can shed natural oils that is in the surface of the skin. As a result, the skin was dry and vulnerable problematic. If you still want to warm bath, set the first temperature so as not too hot and try to do not too long. For adults, safe limit recommended to warm bath without cause damage to the skin is about 41-42 degrees Celsius and no more than 10 minutes. 

5. Using hand sanitizer.

Hand washing with hand sanitizer one way to keep the hand hygiene. However, it turns out it has a negative impact on the health

Compounds such as triclosan, bisphenol a, alcohol, and substance cleaning other on hand sanitizer risk improve resisitensi bacteria, affect hormone, and make the skin hand become more dry. Should hand Wash with soap and water flow was already pretty clean.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

8 Benefits that can be obtained with the consumption of 2 chicken eggs per day

8 Benefits that can be obtained with the consumption of 2 chicken eggs per day - He said eggs are one of the most nutritious sources of poultry protein. But this one food is also often accused of making health problems. Especially the yellow part that is called as a source of cholesterol. 

Recent research says that the consumption of 2 eggs a day chicken is not a problem for health. It can bring benefits. 

Medium-sized yolk does contain 185-215 mg of cholesterol. If your bad (LDL) cholesterol level is over 100 mg or you are diagnosed with heart disease, the recommended dietary consumption of cholesterol is no more than 200 mg. Two boiled or steamed eggs will not be harmful to you. 

Two eggs will provide 13 grams of protein, 9.5 grams of fat, 56 mg of calcium, and 1.8 mg of iron.

What health benefits can you get from two eggs per day? Here's the full explanation, reported Boldsky. 

  1. Protection of the brain
  2. Helps the absorption of calcium
  3. Enhance the sense of sight
  4. Reduce the risk of heart disease
  5. Helps weight loss
  6. Makes skin healthier
  7. Lowering the risk of cancer
  8. Increase fertility

Protection of the brain. 

Phospholipids will help communication of brain cells consisting of choline. While choline is a clinically proven vitamin as the most important constituent in our brain. 

Eating two eggs a day will meet the needs of choline, so the risk of dementia can be lowered. 

Helps the absorption of calcium. 

Eggs are rich in vitamin D that can help the absorption of calcium and strengthen bones and teeth. Vitamin D will facilitate the absorption of calcium by the intestine and stimulate the absorption of phosphate ions as well as magnesium. 

Nourish the senses of vision. 

Recent studies have found evidence that chicken eggs are high in lutein. This substance is responsible for clear and sharp vision. 

Lutein is called vitamin karotenoid that can help prevent eye diseases, including cataract and macular degeneration due to age factor. 

Meanwhile, lutein deficiency can cause permanent eye tissue and vision damage. 

Reduce the risk of heart disease. 

Although it contains cholesterol, recent research says that cholesterol in it can be balanced with phosphatide. Phosphatide is responsible for inhibiting cholesterol production in the body. 

In addition, Omega 3 fatty acids present in the eggs will help reduce triglyceride levels, thereby decreasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. 

Helps lose weight. 

According to scientists, the combination of low-calorie diet with egg breakfast will help you lose weight fast. 

Breakfast like this will keep your stomach satisfied for longer time. So you will not eat in excessive portions afterwards. 

Makes skin healthier.

The content of biotin, vitamin B12, and easily digestible proteins in the eggs will help to nourish hair and skin. Phospholipids contained in eggs will also help the liver in neutralizing toxins. 

Lowering the risk of cancer. 

Eating two eggs a day will reduce the risk of cancer. According to one study, the risk of developing breast cancer in women whose daily diets included eggs was 18 percent lower. This is due to the choline in the egg. 

Improve fertility. 

Vitamin B found in eggs helps the formation of sex hormones. Folic acid also known as vitamin B9 will help the formation of red blood cells and fetal nerve tubes. One chicken egg contains 7.0 mcg of vitamin B9. 

Folic acid also reduces the likelihood of a child suffering from mental retardation. So couples who are pregnant programs also need to consume eggs regularly. 

That's a line of health benefits you can get if you eat two eggs every day. Remember, boiled or steamed, yes. The process of frying with oil will reduce the health benefits.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

3 powerful way to avoid fatigue in the office

3 powerful way to avoid fatigue in the office - Order to be long vacation and homecoming, do you are extra work hard? Job piling up, but the deadline in front of the eye is very easy to make your body fatigue.

It work in front of the eye as if transformed into heavy burden. Not only that, fatigue this could make you overwhelmed work on the job.

Not want to fatigue at work, but how? Quoted from the Muse, Saturday June 2, 2018, there are three way can be done to prevent you from the fatigue work.

1. Say no
Do not hesitate to say no to others. The aim to other people can know you have limitations quota, time, and power.

2. Play
Science suggest people fatigue work to play. Expert education and behavior, fp Hughes, said there are three concept applies when playing, the characteristics, inteliektual, and creativity. When all three unite, play this can be a Magic potion to fight stress.

3. Relax
An article from Harvard medical school found that the meditation can reduce stress, anxiety, and irritability. Plus, this activity can improve the intensity of sleep.

Some of the benefits of apples to diet and health

Some of the benefits of apples to diet and health - The benefits of Apple is famous sabagai fruit very help keep the health and even for mecegah disease, of course also powerful for diet. Who do not like Apple? Fruit this pretty much consumed to help diet. Benefits of what we can get from an Apple, let's discuss one by one. 

The benefits of apples to diet 

The benefits of apples to diet is one of the most well known in the universe, including in Indonesia. How Apple can help your daily diet to success? How it works apples to diet almost the same as the benefits of Brown Rice is with the content of the fiber very high, fruit this makes satiety longer on gastric US. 

Ago what to do? this will be very helpful in order food intake / appetite high-calorie foods we can minimalisir. When the stomach was there glucose, gastric feel hungry and ordered the brain to look for food. 

After eating hunger automatic lost, and where the role of fiber apples for longer survive dilambung and make satiety longer on gastric so you will not feel hungry. Quiet Apple has no fat content and fiber-rich so safe to diet and intestine. 

The benefits of apples for health 

Doubt back, the benefits of apples for health also certainly very powerful and exceed that we can expect. Apple has the efficacy of good for the health of the human body, well this is some of the benefits of Apple amazing to the human body. 

1. The benefits of apples to help work the small intestine.

Digestive never off from work the small intestine as processing food and take the nutrients. Consumption Apple regularly can prevent constipation and digestive disorders that occur in the gut.

2. The benefits of apples to reduce the risk of respiratory problems.

A recent study shows that the child consume Apple juice routinely can suppress the risk of respiratory diseases. In addition pregnant women who routine consume Apple juice also effective pressing disorders in respiratory children in its content.

3. The benefits apael to nourish the oral cavity and teeth. 

It turns out Apple also have a function Loh for oral health and teeth, taking the Apple with direct chew will stimulate the production of saliva to clean the oral cavity. In addition substances tannins contained on Apple, clean up the plaque destructive teeth and gums. 

4. The benefits of apples to provide protection on bone. 

Content of flavonoids (phloridzin) is the benefits of Apple reduce the problem of osteoporosis in women post monopouse. The content of boron on Apple also functions strengthens bone body so as not easy loss. This is also very good for the prevention of the onset of symptoms of rheumatic diseases. 

5. The benefits of apples to control the blood sugar. 

Galacturonic acid supplied apples to lower the performance of the body in the release insulin. Therefore, Apple good consumed for people who have a history of genetic disease diabetes so as not to grow and become more serious. 

6. The benefits of apples to prevent and treat cancer. 

Benefits of apples there are at the compounds triterpenoids skin apples, identified on a research Cornell University, known able to prevent cancer cells that cause symptoms of breast cancer, lever and symptoms of colon cancer. 

In addition, Apple has a number of substances that can help reduce the risk of cancer, including activity antimutagenik, antioxidant activity, the mechanism of anti-inflammatory, antiproliferatif and the process of apoptosis-inducing published in the Journal planta Medica. 

7. The benefits of apples for a brain health. 

Apple has been shown can be used to protect the cells of neurons that can prevent oxidative stress caused neurotoksisitas and play an important role in reducing the risk of disorders neurodegenerative, such as the Alzheimer's disease. 

8. The benefits of apples to prevent Parkinson's. 

Research shows that the person who ate fruits and foods high in fiber other benefit in the protection of Parkinson's disease. This disease characterized by disorders produce dopamine to nerve cells brain. Scientists have connect with the power of antioxidants functioning against various types of free radicals.

9. The benefits of apples to lower cholesterol.

To you fat or have had LDL high sebaikanya switching on Apple. Soluble fiber found in the Apple can bind fat in the gut, translated in function to lower cholesterol levels. 

10. The benefits of Apple's good for the digestion.

Apple is fruit rich fiber and a variety of vitamins and Minerals easily digested by the body, for it, Apple is one of the type of fruit very healthy for digestion. 

11. The benefits of apples for healthy heart. 

An extensive research has been connecting the intake soluble fiber with accumulation plaques cholesterol in artery. Phenolic, compounds that found in the skin Apple also prevent cholesterol into the system and strengthen the Wall artery. When the plaque formed in the arteries then it will reduce blood flow to the heart, leading to coronary heart disease. Plaque this can be cleaned with the help of soluble fiber existing on Apple. 

12. The benefits of apples to prevent gallstones. 

Gallstones formed when there are too many cholesterol in bile so that he tends to Harden. The effect of short-term is very allows you will obesity. To prevent gallstones, doctor suggest high-fiber diet to help you control cholesterol levels in the body. Apple as one of Super fruit that contains high fiber very good for health. 

13. The benefits of apples to overcome diarrhea and constipation. 

Do you can't go to the bathroom (difficult chapter) or can't stop (diarrhea)? Fiber found in the Apple can help overcome the second this problem though each contrast. Fiber good can be interesting water out of the colon to keep the components in it to move all day to support sembeit. Fiber is also can absorb excess water from dirt that means that can help you in the process of diarrhea. 

14. The benefits of apples to detoxify heart. 

Detoxification is one of the function to issue toxins from the heart. Every day at the time that the more advanced we will never regardless of fuel consumption contains 'toxic' whether it from a drink or food. Liver function is responsible for cleaning toxins from the body. Antioxidants can help to detox the heart of a variety of substances or poison in the body. 

15. The benefits of apples to prevent cataracts. 

For the benefit of Apple this one, although the previous research has not too convince about the benefits of apples to cataracts. However long-term studies recently showed that the people who have the diet fruits containing antioxidant like Apple 10 to 15 percent more less likely to get a of cataract. 

16. The benefits of apples to improve the human immune system. 

Apple Red contains antioxidant called a quercetin. Recent studies have found that quercetin can help improve and strengthen the immune system, especially when the mind being stress. 

17. The benefits of apples to prevent hemorrhoids. 

Hemorrhoids is the occurrence of uric swollen on area anal although not affect the death, disease-related blood vessels can be very painful. Hemorrhoids generally caused by too much pressure in the pelvis and anal. Fiber can reduce straining too 'extreme' when to go to the bathroom and thus help relieve hemorrhoids.

4 Physical Activity for Keeping Fitness When Entering Old Age

4 Physical Activity for Keeping Fitness When Entering Old Age - Whatever our age, physical activity or exercise has many benefits for the body, including for mothers who will enter the elderly period. Physical activity can delay the conditions caused by physical changes due to old age. In addition, physical activity is important because it can reduce the possibility of injury during the day activities, encourage the immune system, and improve body recovery.

Of course, the increasing age, need adjustments of exercise and physical activity is done and you should consult with your doctor first to determine what exercise and physical activity is most needed and most secure in accordance with the condition of your body. Here are some examples of physical activity that you can do to stay fit when you enter old age.

1. Endurance exercise.

Included in endurance exercises, or endurance, which are good for heart health and circulatory systems are swimming, walking, balancing, and even dancing. Surely this endurance exercise needs to be done according to the condition of the mother's body and will require a different adjustment depending on whether the person is used to exercising or not before.

2. Strength training.

Physical activity designed as strength training can help increase muscle and bone strength and increase body metabolism. This exercise can be done in a simple way and even while sitting. For example by using a bottle of mineral water and other objects that are at home. Other activities that can be tried is to do push ups, sit ups or squats slowly by using the chair.

3. Exercise flexibility.

The purpose of this exercise is to maintain body flexibility. Can be done through sports such as taichi, yoga or pilates that adjusted to the age of mother. Another physical activity that can be done for flexibility training is through simple stretching that is done daily. Stretching also needs to be done before doing any other exercise

4. Exercise balance.

Exercise balance will reduce the risk of falling during the elderly later. Examples of physical activity to exercise balance are the movement of sitting and standing without holding on to a chair and standing on one leg while holding on to a chair.

Increasing age does not mean we can no longer actively move. Let's keep Mom consistent in physical activity to support the health and make sure we are active in sports from a young age so that the body is always fit until the old age, because consistency of physical activity is more important than the intensity or the number of movements in a single physical activity.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

6 Types of Green tea best to lose weight

 6 Types of Green tea best to lose weight -  You may already read a lot that Green tea or Green tea bring benefits so great for human body. One of the most famous of the properties of Green tea is diet.

But do you know Green tea where our best to lose weight? Not much to review, for it free will peeling here.

Green tea is a good drinks to put in your diet. The reason can be used as prevention and treatment of cancer, cardiovascular disease, heart problems, rheumatoid arthritis, infection, tooth decay, until the high cholesterol.

As we know that Green tea contains antioxidant high-called epigallocatechin-3 gallate (EGCG), which help treat diseases. Characteristics of Green tea including it, the bitterness, and the effects of stimulation. Green tea also rich in a group of chemicals called polyphenols catechin which include catechins, epikatekin, epicatechin gallate (ECG), epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), and various poranthocyanidins.

Well, here is a type of Green tea best to lower your weight: 
  1. Gyokurocha 
  2. Sencha 
  3. Bancha 
  4. Matcha 
  5. Houjicha 
  6. Genmaicha
Well, now you don't need to be confused to know the Green tea which is best to lose weight. The reason Green tea own a lot of its kind.