Was this a major cause of women have a small breasts - Big breasts is probably one of the desire for most of women in the world. How do not, the biggest attraction after the face of the highest is the breast. Men of course want it. Unfortunately, not all women have a big breasts and tempting. Some of which it has a small breasts.
If you wonder what the cause of women have a small breasts? Well, here we will reveal the reason is clearly.
There are several factors that cause women have a small breasts. The following his review quoted from boldsky (25/6).
1. Genetics
Genetic or descendants could be the main reason for a woman has a small breasts. This can be caused by hipoplasia mammary, the lack of IGT adequate or network mamary grandular failed developing when she went teens. Which it leads to the growth of the breast.
Regardless of this, some women may suffer syndrome Turner, that is anomalies chromosome certain that makes one of chromosome X lost or change. Direct consequence of it is the lack of the development of the whole of women, and inhibition of growth breast is one of the effect.
Also, all kinds of abnormalities in fat distribution in the body can be a reason genetic to breast undeveloped full.
2. Imbalance hormone
Less or excess two sex hormones in a woman's body, the estrogen and progesterone can lead to a variety of side effects, including breast smaller.
Some symptoms hormonal imbalance in one woman can including the advent pimples, hair growth unexpected and excessive on the face or other body parts, hair loss, fatigue, less focus, and so forth.
3. Deficiency essential nutrients
Nutritional deficiencies like vitamin and mineral can be a potential causes breast undeveloped on a woman. Poor eating habits can also cause nutritional deficiencies are needed in the body.
For it, we recommend that when moving teen a woman not to have malnutrition and try to all the food can get into the body. So there are some of phrase 'in its infancy' is true. Growth here is not only lead to the height, but also all aspects of the person's body.
4. Depression or emotional problems
For some women, emotional stress or experience bothersome during adolescence they can inhibit the growth of the breast.
Believe it or not, this is one of the trigger less the development of the breast. So, do you including women who have a small breasts? Try to remember again do you have one of the four factors was during the time teen? Write in column a comment.
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