Treat vagina after sex in 7 ways - According to some opinions, sex can indeed eliminate strees. Anyone can enjoy it. But do not let you neglect in doing treatment on the sex organs themselves.
In fact, there are many risks that Miss V has to deal with sex. Irritation, urinary tract infections, or even sexually transmitted diseases are some of them.
So, to keep the vagina healthy and "happy" follow some of the following sex tips.
1. Always urinate after sex
Even if you do not want to urinate, always make sure to urinate after sex. Especially for those who are prone to urinary tract infections.
"When you have sex, the bacteria from the rectum - which are close to the urethra and vagina - get into the urethra and cause infection, especially for those who are vulnerable," explains Alyssa Dweck, MD, obstetrician at New York and author of The Complete A to Z for Your V.
"Urine will water the bacteria at the end of the urethra out."
2. Consumption of cranberry supplement
This is again a tip for women who are susceptible to urinary tract infection (UTI). Consume supplements containing cranberry concentrate sati times a day.
This can help prevent UTIs. But unfortunately, cranberry juice does not give the same effect.
3. Clean
"Fluid and bacterial lubrication of the fingers, mouth, and rectum may increase the risk of fungal or bacterial infections," said Sherry Ross, M.D., obstetrician and women's health expert in Santa Monica, California.
Ross suggested to use soap without perfume to wash the vagina after having sex. Wash the vagina from front to back, not from the other direction.
Ross also reminded to miss the inside of the vagina. Your female organs have their own cleansing cycle, to keep their condition clean and balanced.
4. Soak in the bath-up
You will feel like a queen while soaking in the bath-up after sex. Use coconut oil in warm water to help soften the skin in the area around the vagina.
Soaking in warm water can also help calm the swelling or irritation that occurs as a result of sex, while reducing the risk of infection.
However, do not overdo it too. Mary Jane Minkin, MD, a clinical professor in the obstetrics, obstetrics and reproductive department at Yale School of Medicine says, too much perfume can actually irritate the vagina.
5. Do not wear panties anymore
After the vagina is dry and clean, kick away from UTI and other infections by using cotton underwear, or loose pajamas.
Better choices do not actually use the same underwear, for better vaginal circulation.
If you are uncomfortable, make sure not to wear underwear from nylon or tight material. This type of underwear can trap bacterial growth.
6. Drinking water
After sweating and tired from the activity of the bed, it's good you drink water. In fact, according to Nicole Scott, MD, an obstetrician from Indiana, sex can make a whole body, including vagina, dehydration.
Not to mention, drinking enough water will further keep the ISK.
7. Consumption of foods rich in probiotics
Snacking together after sex can be a very enjoyable activity. To keep the vagina healthy, consume something rich in probiotics.
"Yogurt, kimchi, and other fermented foods contain good bacteria found in the vagina," says Kelly Kasper, MD, an obstetrician at Indiana University health.
Building a habit of snacking on foods containing probiotics, not only can reduce the risk of fungal infections and healthy vagina. There are still some other benefits that are good for the body. Such as preventing eczema, reducing the effects of antibiotics, clearing the intestinal tract and much more.
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