
Monday, March 12, 2018

How to recognize the characteristics of common feature cancer.

  1. Fatigue excessive. If you feel tired without cause a clear, then this is one of characteristic feature of cancer. Generally virtually all types of cancer there is characteristic of fatigue. Cancer cells continuous undermined the body of patients can make their loss stamina. 
    Source image: bukumedis.com
  2. Fever. Fever perceived cancer patients can occur periodically. If this fever last long, you must be alert because you may the affected leukemia. Leukemia is White blood cells abnormal frequently to infiltrate the spine and result in patients with loss of resistance her body. 
  3. Lose weight. Your diet, may be experiencing weight loss. But for those of you who do not, weight loss drastically worth suspected. Why? due to lose weight this is the signs of cancer is in the part about digestion of. Example colon cancer, gastric cancer, pancreatic cancer and ovarian cancer. 
  4. Swelling. Cancer cells that has grown growing will look like swelling in the skin. swelling around stomach can indicate ovarian cancer and gastric cancer. In addition, swelling in breast is characteristic of the breast cancer. Swelling in the testes indicate testicular cancer. Swelling around the throat can indicate that a person cancer lymph or cancer throat. Almost all of cancer, swelling will look, except cancer located in the body. For example cancer heart, lung cancer, uterine cancer and cervical cancer. However, there are also some cases that looks there bump for the types of cancer. The only cancer that is not visible bump is brain cancer because protected Shell skull and blood cancer (leukemia).
  5. Sense of pain. People feel the pain in parts of the back of the body, the bones and joints. Of course the characteristics of this kind of a lot of attack on bone cancer and cancer of the spine. Experts also mentioned that one of the symptoms of liver cancer is a pain in the back because blood flow substandard. Symptoms leukemia, too. Happen pain-pain in the entire body as Fed by abnormal cells of the White blood. 
  6. Cough acute. Cough certainly very close to do with the lung. Generally people who have a hobby smoking risk great to suffer lung cancer. Symptoms the beginning of perceived by the patient is cough, ranging from cough usual to cough accompanied with the release of the blood. Generally, the patient will also have blown because lung can't pump okssigen well. 
  7. Bleeding. Characteristics of cancer next is bleeding. Cancer patients will bleeding in accordance types of cancer diidapnya. Bleeding is happening around anal can indicate cancer colorectal. Cough accompanied by spending blood can lead to lung cancer. Bleeding is happening around the vagina refers to the cancer-related reproductive organs women like cervical cancer, uterine cancer and ovarian cancer. While on cancer blood or leukemia, will bleeding under the skin. Blood clotting also occur because cancer so that if the wound, blood can't clot and freeze. 
  8. Changes in the skin. Skin turned into a colored dark or more light as well as the surface of a uneven is characteristic feature of the disease skin cancer. You are experiencing skin cancer also usually have injuries can not be cured with ease. in the event of Red spots like bleeding under the skin, could indicate disease leukemia. 
  9. Changes in nails. Someone who is exposed to cancer will change the nail. Nail turned into a black or Brown is characteristic feature of the disease liver cancer. Cancer cells as blower blood can not work well so clogged at the ends of the body (nails). 
  10. stomach bloating. Stomach expand and occurs in women is sometimes and look like a pregnant woman is the characteristics of the disease gastric cancer. Men can also experience. In addition, the characteristic feature of cancer this is an indication of ovarian cancer and cancer section area stomach other. 
  11. Changes in around the mouth. Mouth sometimes have canker sores. If Thrush happen excessive and in a long time, you are worth suspicious. because the characteristics of this indicates the oral cancer. Occurrence Thrush is because the irritation constant due lack of harmony on teeth. Difficulty swallowing also indicate cancer throat because lump in throat can make the sufferer difficulty swallowing smoothly.

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