Understanding of cancer according to the experts and Institutes of health. Understanding of cancer is cell growth irregular that appears on the cell. cancer is the growth of the network autonomous and do not follow the rules and regulations cells grown normal. cancer is a disease with the characteristics of the disorder or failure regulatory mechanisms multiplication of the organism multicellular so happens behavior change cells that is not controlled.
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Understanding of cancer according Institute of health. some Institute of health give understanding about cancer as follows:
- Cancer according to the who, cancer is a general term for a large group of disease that can affect any part of the body. another term used is malignant tumor and neoplasms. one of the features define cancer is the growth of the cells of the new abnormal outgrowing normal limits, and which can then be attacked the next to the body and spread to other organs. this process called metastasis. metastasis is a major cause cancer deaths (the who, 2009).
- Cancer according to the National cancer Institute (2009), cancer is a term to disease in which the cells splitting abnormally without a control and can be attacked the surrounding tissue.
Understanding of cancer according to the experts. Cancer is a disease caused by the growth of the cells of the body tissues that is not normal where cancer cells will evolve with fast, uncontrolled, and will continue to divide, next to infiltrate the surrounding tissues (invasive) and continue to spread through the connective tissue, blood, and attack organs important and neural spine. normally, cells will only divide to replace the cells of the dead and damaged, but instead cancer cells experience the cleavage continuously although the body don't need it so that occur buildup new cells then called malignant tumors (yki: 2006).
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Cancer is a disease process which begins when cells abnormal modified by mutations ginetik of DNA mobile (smeltzer: 2001).
Cancer is a collection of cells abnormal formed by the cells were grown constantly, not limited, not a coordinated with surrounding tissue and not working physiological where cancer can occur due to arise and developing biaknya surrounding tissue (infiltratif) while damage (dekstrutif), it can be spread Goto the other body.
Cancer is a disease process which begins when cells abnormal modified by genetic mutation of DNA mobile where cell abnormal then form a clone and start berproliferasi abnormally, resulting in signal set growth in the environment around the cell. (Brunner & suddarth: 2002).
Cancer is a general term used to indicate neoplasms malignant, and there are lots of tumor or neoplasms other non cancer (price at Inter alia., 2006).
Neoplasms literally means "new growth". a neoplasms, according to the definition of Wills, is a "mass abnormal network growth excessive and not terkoordinasikan with growth normal tissue and continue to so although stimuli trigger the changes have been stops" (Kumar at Inter alia., 2007).
Cancer is the growth of the cells of the body tissues that is not normal, growing rapidly, uncontrolled, and will continue to divide, next to infiltrate surrounding tissue (invasive) and continue to spread through the connective tissue, blood, and attack organs important and neural spine. cells grown this will accumulate, urgent and damage the network and organ occupied.
Buildup of new cell this is called a malignant tumor. term tumor approximately a synonym of the term neoplasms. all the term tumor interpreted as simple as swelling or clots, and sometimes the term "tumor true" is used to distinguish neoplasms with clumps other. neoplasms can be distinguished by its properties; there are benign, there is also malignant (price at Inter alia., 2006).
Based on its neoplasms or tumor distinguished in 2 categories as follows:
- Benign tumors. Benign tumors, has the characteristics of differentiated well with the structure of a typical with home network. growth rate of benign tumors usually progressive and slow, and is possible to stop growing or the shrinking, with a picture mitotik rare and normal. invasion of benign tumors are cohesive and ekspansil, which is not invaded or infiltrate the normal tissue around it. in benign tumors not found metastasis.
- Malignant tumors. Malignant tumors, characteristics that do not show differentiation accompanied anaplasia; and structure is often not typical with network ASA. malignant tumor has the growth rate that can not be predicted by the picture mitotik that may be a lot and abnormal. malignant tumors will invasive local, infiltrate the normal tissue around it, sometimes looks cohesive and ekspansil but with the invasion of microscopic. in malignant tumors metastasis often found, the great and the lack of differentiated primary tumors and the greater.
Types of cancer: Cancer can occur in all the organs of the brain to feet. based on its kind experts gives the name of cancer as follows:
- Carcinoma. Types of cancer from cells lining the body surface or the surface of the channel body, such networks such as skin cells, the testis, ovary, glands mucus, cell melanin, breast, the cervix, colon, rectum, stomach, pancreas, and the esophagus.
- Lymphoma. Types of cancer that comes from network that make up blood, for example network lymph, lacteal, lymph, various glands lymph, thymus, and bone marrow. Lymphoma specific among others, is a disease Hodgkin (cancer glands lymph and lymph).
- Leukemia. types of cancer is not form tumor mass, but meet the blood vessels and disrupt the cell function normal blood.
- Sarcoma the types of cancer where network support that was the surface of the body's as connective tissue, including the cell - cell found diotot and bone.
- Glioma. that is cancer nervous system, for example cells glial (network support) in the Central nervous system.
- Carcinoma in situ. that is a term used to explain the epithelial cells abnormal still limited in certain areas that still considered lesions prainvasif (disorders / injury not spread)
Types of cancer by organs disturbed. Then based organs disturbed cancer experts also provide the name of cancer as follows:
- Brain cancer. Headache very on the morning and reduced at noon, epilepsy, weak, numbness in arms and legs, walking difficulties, sleepy, changes abnormal in sight, changes to the personality, changes to the memory, it's hard to speak.
- Oral cancer. there are canker sores on the mouth, tongue and gums not visit cured.
- Cancer throat. cough continuous, hoarseness or raucous. lung cancer.
- Cough continue - constantly, sputum mixed blood, pain in the chest.
- Breast cancer. The bump, thickened leather (tickening), shape changes, itching - itching, redness, pain that is not Associated with nursing or menstrual.
- Cancer digestive tract. the blood in the dirt marked with the color of bright Red or black, bad taste continue - constantly abdominal, bump on stomach pain after eating, weight loss.
- Cervical cancer (uterine). bleeding period - period coming months, spending blood mens that is not as usual and pain incredible.
- Ovarian cancer (ovarian). in the phase-up then appear symptoms.
- Colon cancer. bleeding in the rectum, there blood in the dirt, changes bowel movements (diarrhea continuous or difficult defecation).
- Bladder cancer or kidney. there blood in urine, pain or sore during urination, frequency or difficulty urination, pain bladder.
- Prostate cancer. piss non-current, pain continuous at the waist back, penis and thighs above.
- Cancer fruit cock / testis. Lump on fruit penis size shelter in fruit penis enlarged and thicken suddenly, pain in the lower abdomen, chest enlarged or become soft.
- Lymphoma. lymph nodes enlarged, chewy like rubber, itching - itching, sweating at the time night's sleep, fever or weight loss without cause a clear.
- Leukemia. pale, chronic fatigue, weight loss, often be infected, easy injured, pain in the bones and joints, nosebleed.
- Skin cancer. lump on the skin resembling warts (hardened like the Horn), infection that is not recover - recover, spots change color and size, pain in certain areas, change the color of the skin form of patches.
- Complications. complications are common in cancer patients is infection that is in people with cancer advanced stage. infection occur due to lack of protein and other nutrients and emphasis immune system common after conventional treatment on cancer.
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